Societatea de Finanțare Rurală FAER IFN S.A. își continuă misiunea de a avea un impact pozitiv asupra îmbunătățirii calității mediului înconjurător și a dezvoltării comunității locale și regionale în care activează. Astfel, reprezentanții societății au participat la întâlnirea de lansare a programului Transform Together Fund, in luna februarie 2024, la Paris, Franța.
FAER IFN a accesat un fond de finanțare pentru desfășurarea unui program de pregătire și informare asupra impactului activității agricole asupra solului, prin cursuri de informare și pregătire in buna gestionare a solului, păstrarea și îmbunătățirea calității acestuia în practica agricolă. Programul de finanțare se numește TRANSFORM TOGETHER FUND, iar mai multe informații se pot găsi aici.
Proiectul se numește Viața prin solul nostru! și va fi menit a asigura cursuri de formare profesională în gestiunea și administrarea solului în practica agricolă, analize de sol și vizite de studiu la ferme cu bune practici în domeniu.
Proiectul beneficiază de sprijinul Microfinance Centre (MFC), Polonia și Cerise+SPTF, din Franța, prin schimb de informații și consultanță.
Proiectul Viața prin solul nostru! este co-finanțat de Uniunea Europeană. Perspectivele și opiniile exprimate sunt doar ale autorului(rilor) si nu reflectă în mod necesar pe cele ale Uniunii Europene sau ale Comisiei Europene. Nici Uniunea Europeană, nici Comisia Europeană nu pot fi făcute responsabile pentru aceste opinii.
The project Life through our soil!, funded through TRANSFORM TOGETHER FUND, has been launched
Rural Financing Society FAER IFN S.A. continues its mission of having a positive impact on the improvement of the quality of the environment and developing the local and regional community where it activates. Thusly, representatives of the society have participated in the kick-off and launch meeting of the TRANSFORM TOGETHER FUND, in February 2024, in Paris, France.
FAER IFN has accessed a funding program for the development of a training and informational project on the impact of agricultural activity on the soil, through information meetings and trainings on good soil management, maintaining and improving soil quality in rural practice. The funding programme is called Transform Together Fund, more information can be found here.
Our project is called Life through our soil! and it is meant to provide professional training in the management and administration of the soil in agricultural practice, soil analysis and study visits at good practice farms in the field.
The project benefits from the support of the Microfinance Centre, Poland and Cerise+SPTF, France, through an exchange of information and consultancy.
The project Life through our soil! is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.
The project Life through our soil!, funded through TRANSFORM TOGETHER FUND, has been launched
Rural Financing Society FAER IFN S.A. continues its mission of having a positive impact on the improvement of the quality of the environment and developing the local and regional community where it activates. Thusly, representatives of the society have participated in the kick-off and launch meeting of the TRANSFORM TOGETHER FUND, in February 2024, in Paris, France.
FAER IFN has accessed a funding program for the development of a training and informational project on the impact of agricultural activity on the soil, through information meetings and trainings on good soil management, maintaining and improving soil quality in rural practice. The funding programme is called Transform Together Fund, more information can be found here.
Our project is called Life through our soil! and it is meant to provide professional training in the management and administration of the soil in agricultural practice, soil analysis and study visits at good practice farms in the field.
The project benefits from the support of the Microfinance Centre, Poland and Cerise+SPTF, France, through an exchange of information and consultancy.
The project Life through our soil! is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.