Str. Apelor, nr. 5 Loc. Reghin, jud. Mures
Luni – Vineri 08.00 – 16.30

Ziua Pamantului - Intalnire cu elevii din cadrul Colegiului “Petru Maior”, Reghin

Ziua Pamantului - Intalnire cu elevii din cadrul Colegiului “Petru Maior”, Reghin


De Ziua Pamantului, elevii din ciclul primar si gimnazial ai Colegiului “Petru Maior” din Reghin au beneficiat de o prezentare asupra importantei pastrarii si conservarii sanatatii solului, din partea dlui inginer Vasile Zdrenghia, consultant si colaborator al Fundatiei FAER si FAER IFN S.A..

Elevii prezenti au avut ocazia sa ia contact cu informatii valoroase de protejare si conservare a mediului inconjurator, cu referinte specifice in importanta prezervarii calitatii solului, fiindu-le atrasa atentia asupra importantei contributiei personale in acest sens, atat in prezent cat si in viitor, ca membrii adulti ai societatii.

Astfel de actiuni de includere a tinerelor minti ai societatii locale vizeaza o implicare in constiinta comunitatii de mentinere si chiar imbunatatire a conditiilor mediului inconjurator pentru generatiile viitoare, fiind de o importanta majora in dezvoltarea acestor tineri. Expunerea la acest tip de eveniment permite socializarea, intelegerea importantei individului in comunitate si in protejarea si conservarea naturii.

English version

Versiunea in engleza a proiectului

Earth Day-Meeting pupils from „Petru Maior” College, Reghin

On Earth Day, the pupils of the primary and secondary school of Petru Maior College of Reghin have benefitted from a presentation on the importance of maintaining and preserving soil health, done by Mr. Zdrenghia Vasile, a consultant and collaborator of FAER Foundation and FAER MFI.

The students present have had the opportunity to come in contact with valuable information in protecting and preserving the environment, with specific reference to the importance of preserving soil quality, attracting their attention towards the importance of their personal contribution both at present as well as in the future, as an adult member of the society.

Such actions of including the young minds of the local community target an involvement in the community conscience of maintaining and even bettering the condition of the environment for the next generation, being of major importance in the development of these young students.

The exposure to this type of event allows for socializing, understanding the importance of the individual in their community and in the protection and preservation of nature.

Societatea de finantare rurala FAER IFN S.A.
Str. Apelor, nr. 5 Loc. Reghin, jud. Mures
0265 513 728
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